As part of a well-managed grassland system, Aeration will introduce air to the grass roots and soil to help root development to reduce compaction, improve drainage, reduce slurry and fertilizer run off. In short, aeration will ultimately grow more grass. Slit /aeration improves microbial activity and helps nutrient and crop debris breakdown.
Timing is critical to get the best results from using an aerator.
The ground should be dry enough to avoid surface damage by the tractor but have enough moisture to allow the aerator blades to penetrate.
Also, when soil is to wet the aerator will ‘smear and seal’ the sides of the slit reducing the ability of the oxygen to penetrate a normal open type slit. When ground is too dry the soil can open and crack.
Spring and autumn tend to be the ideal time, especially pre slurry and fertiliser application for best grass yield improvement.
Aeration is the ideal remedy for compaction up to 15cm deep.
Compaction up to 10cm deep is known as surface capping and is often caused by grazing in wet conditions, high stocking densities and rainfall. Machinery can cause compaction up to 15cm deep with silage and muckspreading the key causes.
Compacted waterlogged soil is often identified by areas of standing water or the growth of rushes and moss.
The Oxdale Slitter/ Aerator has been designed to travel close to the tractor to allow stability and maximum weight distribution through the machine.
The weight is added through a simple and effective top fill water ballasted 20”
This eliminates having to add heavy and cumbersome weights which can damage the machine.
Slitter blades are spaced at 2.5” apart and on a solid 50mm shaft located with greaseable bearing on the end plates. These bearing can be adjusted by putting the shaft at more of an angle to widen the desired end slit.